Group Supervision
Lisa offers a monthly 90 minute supervision group to therapists interested in using the IFS model with their child and family clients. Any level of experience is welcome. Topics include:
Identifying the target parts
Helping children unblend
IFS informed parent guidance
Working with your own parts to access Self
Duet Supervision
Lisa now offers supervision duets! Share a supervision hour with another clinician and receive individualized guidance on your cases. Together we can discuss any aspect of using IFS with children, teens, and their parents. Each participant who has Level 1 training will get 1 hour of approved IFS hours towards certification.
This offering is for clinicians with any level of IFS training. Each session will be 60 minutes and the fee for each therapist is $150. All sessions will be scheduled on Wednesdays. Each participant who has Level 1 training will get 1 hour of approved IFS hours towards certification.
For more information or to sign up please contact