Soho Parenting is a safe and professional resource for evaluation, strategic parent guidance and treatment for children and families. We help parents filter out the often overwhelming and unhealthy messages coming from our culture. We are dedicated to helping individuals and families move through their life cycle with thoughtfulness, support, and guidance. We offer consultations to parents of children, adolescents and young adults.
Parent Coaching
All families experience periods of growth and struggle. Handling problems such as sibling conflict, anxiety, shyness or managing technology can be confusing and sometimes frustrating. Parents often feel bombarded by a barrage of conflicting child development and parenting information. At Soho Parenting we provide a haven from all the confusion.
All of our therapists are trained in the most recent child development research and offer a grounded, common sense approach to raising children. Each parent coaching session is an in-depth discussion of your child’s behavioral and emotional landscape, as well as your responses to this challenge so far. In this non-judgmental and supportive atmosphere, your counselor will offer psychological insight and practical solutions to help your family. Our goal is to help everyone feel cared for, listened to, and guided to be their best selves.
Toilet Training
Anger and Aggression
Managing Technology
“I was totally confused about how and when to toilet train my twins. My own worries and anxieties were getting in the way and I realized that my kids were ready to start. I got a practical plan that really worked!” — Karen, mother of Aliza and Emmett, 2.5 years old
Developmental Check-Ins
Rather than waiting for an issue to feel overwhelming, many parents come in periodically to check-in as their children approach new stages from infancy through young adulthood. Parents use Soho Parenting as preventative care to help raise their children in a thoughtful, sensitive way.
Birth of a sibling
Your child’s education
Supporting your tween's independence
Launching to college
“My wife and I love that we can tap into Soho Parenting when we feel stuck or have questions related to changes our children are going through. Everyone should have access to this kind of guidance!” — Paul, father of Tamara, Alex and Jessie, 8, 6 and 18 months
Family Problem Solving
When issues arise in family life, often parents and their school-age and teenage children can work together to solve problems and ease difficult dynamics. Often just one family session under the guidance of a therapist can bring resolution, helping the family work well as a team. These sessions are an opportunity for all voices to be heard, decisions to be made, and to get the family back on track.
Sibling relationships
Expression of anger
“The mornings were absolute chaos. At our family meeting we learned how to break down the problem, hear what everyone needed and make changes together. Just one session helped us so much!” — Lianna, mother of Dante, 10, Olivia, 6 and Charlie, 5
Sleep Consultation
Sleep is a fundamental nutrient for children and adults alike. When sleep is irregular or disrupted it can undermine a family's ability to function well. Over the last three decades Soho Parenting has successfully counseled thousands of parents to ensure their children’s healthy sleep habits.
At Soho Parenting, counseling sessions are customized to each individual family's needs. We take into account the child's age, parents' work schedules, child's medical history, as well as recent events, such as the birth of a sibling or a recent move. We then set up a step-by-step plan of how to implement appropriate routines and structures that ensure the right amount of sleep and the ability to fall asleep with a sense of security and comfort.
Each sleep consultation includes:
A pre-visit sleep history questionnaire
One 50-minute session with a trained sleep specialist
A personalized sleep plan based on your child's age and developmental needs
In addition, families can add on:
Five (5) 10-minute follow-up phone calls or email exchanges from your sleep consultant while implementing your plan
Soho Parenting's sleep program has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Time Out New York Kids.
Separation and Divorce
Families dealing with the separation and divorce process need guidance and support to help navigate this difficult terrain. Soho Parenting provides a number of options to help this hard time go as smoothly as possible.
Supportive Counseling for Adults and Children
Divorce is a very complicated life transition. A myriad of conflicting feelings such as loss, freedom, anger, empowerment, guilt, and excitement are part and parcel of making a huge family change. Soho Parenting provides adults a forum for processing these reactions and making mindful decisions that affect the whole family. In addition, we offer play therapy for children who are struggling with understanding their parents’ divorce.
For families that are involved in a contentious divorce, therapy for children is particularly important. Our therapists provide a nurturing and safe place for a child to process the complicated situation and guidance for parents as how to minimize conflict.
Parent Coordination
An objective child development professional is a useful resource in making decisions for your children during separation and divorce. A parent coordinator can act as an arbiter when an agreement regarding the children is difficult to reach. A parent coordinator adds important perspective on the age-appropriate emotional needs of children and can be helpful in constructing the parenting time plan.
“My ex and I wanted to make good decisions about the kids without getting all caught up in our stuff. Having Soho Parenting help us with a game plan has been great for us and the kids. ”